Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Thing #6 I phone

I have used I phones previously; my daughter has one and many of my co-workers do also. I find many of the apps to be very useful. My family just went on a trip and the GPS app and the weather app came in very handy; the weather app helped us avoid a major storm. I am just not sure though, about using phones in a high school classroom. I think this is a topic that someday will have to be decided on a district level. We tell the students to put them away, that they cannot be visible and then we tell them to take them out and use them. I do not see the district buying classroom sets for use in the schools so I beleive that this is something that is better left up to the colleges.


  1. Just a note, school libraries have iTouches which are iPhones minus the phone. Students could be taught to use technology with the iTouches and this will transfer to the iPhones.

  2. That is true. Each high school library has a set of 20 (?) it has only been two months, and I have forgotten already....
