Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Thing # 11 digital citizenship

I never really thought about digital citzenship until I read the articles. I liked the digram in cool cat teacher. I believe our goal is to teach all of these different catagories: literacy, safety, etiquette and learning strategies. I liked the quote "guide on the side". I see this as our role in this digital citizenship; to help guide the students through the pitfalls that face them. One big problem that I have with freshmen in my English class is getting them to see the difference between realiable and unrealiable sources. Many students think because it is on the internet, it must be true. It is my job to have them become a decerning user that same way that my teachers taught me to be a decerning reader.

1 comment:

  1. We encounter the same in elementary - if it's on the internet it's true. We work with our kids quite a bit to help them be more responsible in their digital citizenship. Hopefully you'll see that change in the next few years.
